Event Registration

School Climate Training

Restorative Practices training is a prerequisite for School Climate training. This training provides the necessary information for establishing the conditions for developing and nurturing a culture based on high-quality relationships among all school community members and positive community building that is trauma-free. This professional development training session is focused exclusively on School Climate, what School Climate is (definition and scope), the difference between school climate and school culture, and the role of adults in fostering positive school climate. We will explore the conflict cycle and adults' professional responsibilities as it pertains to school climate improvement. During the workshop, participants will be introduced to the School Climate Development Model, the School Climate/Culture Model, and four strength-based models that are at the core of School Climate and School Climate Improvement (School Connectedness, Resiliency, The Circle of Courage, and Youth as Resources). These strength-based models support creating adverse-free environments that support student and school success for all students, but especially those who have experienced trauma in their lives. Participants will also learn about student motivation and be introduced to Restorative Practices. Throughout, participants will learn countless strategies to foster and improve School Climate.
  • Date: March 11, 2025 (Snow date: March 14, 2025)
  • Time: 8:00am - 3:30pm
  • Site: CAS, 30 Realty Dr., Cheshire, CT 06410
  • Registration Deadline: March 4, 2025
  • Cost: Member Schools: $150.00 Non-Member Schools $250.00
  • Registration Instructions/Information:
    2 Day Restorative Practices training is a prerequisite.

Note: Items with * are required.
Registrant Name*: First*:
Re-Enter E-Mail*:
Mailing Address*:
City, State and Zip*:
Payment Method*:
Credit Card/P.O. Number*:
Expiration Date*: /20
Name on Card*:
Card Verification Code*:
[Where do I find this?]
Billing Address*:
Billing City, State and Zip*:
Note: Credit card number, expiration date, name on card and billing address fields are required only
if you choose VISA or MasterCard as your payment option
Participant Name*