Event Registration

Restorative Conferencing - Full Day Training

This one-day training in Restorative Conferencing is a “part 2” of Restorative Practices Basic Training. Restorative Practices Basic Training (two-day) is a required prerequisite to attending this one-day session. The training is singularly focused on the formal restorative conferencing process and components that includes the theoretical foundation, conference planning, conducting the conference and creating conference agreements. Participants will be given the necessary tools and practice to be able to conduct successful restorative conferences in school and community settings. This is a highly interactive day which includes information sharing, video and a significant amount of practice through role-playing to ensure that participants not only know when and how to conduct formal restorative conferences but also feel comfortable using the conferencing script and related materials as well as fully understanding the purposes and outcomes of engaging in the conferencing process.
  • Date: April 2, 2025 (Snow Date: April 4, 2025)
  • Time: 8:00am - 3:30pm
  • Site: CAS, 30 Realty Dr., Cheshire, CT 06410
  • Registration Deadline: March 26, 2025
  • Cost: Member Schools: $150.00 Non-Member Schools $250.00

Note: Items with * are required.
Registrant Name*: First*:
Re-Enter E-Mail*:
Mailing Address*:
City, State and Zip*:
Payment Method*:
Credit Card/P.O. Number*:
Expiration Date*: /20
Name on Card*:
Card Verification Code*:
[Where do I find this?]
Billing Address*:
Billing City, State and Zip*:
Note: Credit card number, expiration date, name on card and billing address fields are required only
if you choose VISA or MasterCard as your payment option
Participant Name*