Legal Question of the Week
Dear Legal Mailbag: Last week I was at a PPT, and it got a little heated. As we were wrapping up, it was clear that the mother was still upset. That I can understand, but without warning she reached over and grabbed the notes I had been taking. Fortunately, I have good reflexes and I grabbed them back before she could leave with them. However, the mother was anything but apologetic and she told me that she needed to see my notes because she was convinced that I had been making things up. I told her that my notes were private, and she simply said that we would see about that. Yesterday, I received a Freedom of Information request insisting that I provide her with a copy of my notes. Do I have to? I confess that some of what I wrote isn’t very nice.
Click here for the answer.
State Department Issues Legislation Summary
Commissioner of Education Stefan Pryor has issued a revised circular letter which speaks to education-related legislation enacted during the 2012 session. The primary focus of the letter is Public Act 12-116, An Act Concerning Education Reform. More
The Results Are In!
CAS recently surveyed assistant principals to find out which issues were of greatest interest to them. The results, based on more than 175 responses, show that the top five "hot" issues are:
1. The New Teacher/Administrator Evaluation Program 2. Common Core State Standards 3. Alternatives to Suspension & Expulsion 4. School Climate 5. Student Success Plans
In direct response to the survey, CAS will be hosting a presentation for assistant principals on the new teacher & administrator evaluation model (SEED) on November 19th. Register now! More
CAS Opens Nominations for Principal of the Year Awards
Nominations are now open for the 2013 CAS Principal of the Year Awards Program. The Principal of the Year program was established in 1984 to bring recognition to high-achieving school principals and to increase public awareness of the critical role that principals play in the education of our youth. If you know or work with an outstanding school administrator and would like to nominate him or her for the Principal of the Year award, please click on a link below for further information. More
CIAC Soccer Committee Issues Clarification
The CIAC Soccer Committee has issued a clarification on the qualification and tie-breaker procedures for post-season play for boys and girls soccer. The clarification involved a decision made at the March 26, 2012, meeting to change one of the tie-breaker procedures to value three (3) points for a win and one (1) for a tie. This change was not intended to apply to the procedures for qualification for post-season play, but, rather, was put in place simply to break ties for seeding. More
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Please Update Your Membership Directory Information
Attention member school principals! Please be sure to update your membership directory information for the new school year. It is vital that we keep our membership data as current as possible so that mailings are sent to the appropriate individuals. This allows member schools to take full advantage of the benefits of CAS membership. More