Dear Legal Mailbag: This “ME” generation of parents is driving me crazy. They want this, and they want that; but they never consider how their demands affect the staff and the other students. The latest is that a parent made an FOIA request and got an electronic copy of our Eighth Grade Health Curriculum. After going through it, she is demanding that her daughter be excused from about 60% of the curriculum, including information on safe dating, sexual harassment, and saying "no" to drugs. Continued
Last call to register for Mooney legal update
Noted educational law expert Tom Mooney will update practitioners on recent legislative changes concerning the legal aspects of school leadership. Please join Tom at CAS on November 13th from 4-6 p.m. to learn how to avoid legal pitfalls in your daily work. REGISTER NOW!
Important evaluation and testing updates from the CSDE!
The state department of education has released two recent newsletters with important information concerning the new evaluation system and the implementation of CCSS. Key language has been highlighted in each newsletter. MORE
Interested in dialoguing with your peers about CCSS implementation?
Join the November 19th session of the CCSS Leadership Community of Practice. The plenary and breakout sessions will focus on “connecting the dots” between CCSS and SEED. There are only a few spots open. Contact Erin Guarino at now. MORE
CIAC tournaments streamed live on NFHS Network
Fall sports tournaments are well underway and many are being streamed live on the NFHS Network! Catch upcoming broadcasts - and access prior sports events "on demand" - at
CAPSS & CAS want to hear your students’ voices!
CAPSS & CAS are asking students in grades 6-12 to lend their creativity and talents to the 2nd Annual Student Voices in Education Contest. Last year, more than 50 middle and high school students from across Connecticut submitted short videos telling us what it would take for them to thrive in the classroom. This year, we’re excited to offer students the opportunity to submit not only original videos, but creative and cogent essays that make a case for educational transformation. The deadline for video and essay submissions is December 13, 2013. MORE
New discussion forum open to member school administrators
One of the highlights of the recently-redesigned CAS website is the "Principals Talk Discussion Forum", a place where member-school administrators can pose questions to their colleagues and hold rich online discussions on a variety of subjects directly related to their positions. To participate, click here and request membership in the group, after doing so you will be able to post new topics and reply to those posted by others. After you register, be sure to let administrators at other CAS member schools know about the forum. The more people who participate, the better the conversations will be.
High school student leadership conference registration closes tomorrow
Attention high school student council advisors! Friday, November 8th, is the deadline to register for the upcoming two-day leadership conference for high school students. The conference, which will be held on November 22nd and 23rd, will explore the essential questions: I am a leader, so now what do I do? How do I include everyone? This year’s keynote presenter will be Andy Thibodeau, a motivational speaker with a wealth of experience working with student leaders and advisors across the USA and Canada. MORE
Use your iPad to enhance your productivity
Have an iPad and want to put it to better use in your work as an administrator? Learn about the productivity tools available for the iPad. Use Pages, Numbers and Keynote to create professional documents and multimedia presentations. Plus, get hands-on practice using the iPad for teacher observation and evaluation. MORE