Dear Legal Mailbag: I think that I am in deep trouble. I had a crush on one of the women in the choir at church, and I started emailing her on my school mail account. Being good church folk, neither she nor I were ever vulgar in our email exchanges, thanks be to God. But we did go on a bit about love and daydreaming about a future together until gradually our mutual infatuation fizzled out. However, last week the parent of a child I suspended got mad at me, and she has filed an FOIA request for all of my emails. If I provide these emails to her, she may circulate them and embarrass me. Is there any hope for my salvation? Answer
Sixteen CIAC Tournaments Scheduled for the Weekend
Weather pending, a total of sixteen CIAC tournaments will take place this weekend, thirteen of the which will be broadcast live on the CIAC Network. The full broadcast schedule can be found on the CIAC Tournament Central website. All of the championship finals will also be available on-demand on the CIAC Network in the weeks following the events. In case of inclement weather, check CIAC Tournament Central for possible postponements.
Smarter Balanced Practice Tests Released
Last week, the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium released sets of example test questions for grades 3–8 and 11 in both English language arts/literacy and mathematics. The Smarter Balanced Practice Tests provide a preview of the types of questions that will be featured in the summative assessment beginning in 2014-15, including selected-response items, constructed-response items, technology-enhanced items, and performance tasks. Districts are encouraged to take advantage of this tool to prepare school and classroom leaders for the implementation of the Smarter Balanced Assessment System in the 2014-15 school year.
National Education Groups Call for Delay in Common Core Accountability
In a joint statement released last week, NASSP and three other education groups—NAESP, AASA, and NSBA—strongly urged policymakers to delay the use of Common Core assessment results for accountability purposes. Specifically, the associations called for a delay in invoking penalties and sanctions related to test scores on schools, principals, and teachers until schools have had at least two years of experience with the assessments. More
Just a Few Spots Left! Summer Leadership Institute - Register Today!!!
CAS, with support from CSDE, CASCD, and SERC, is again sponsoring the 2013 Summer Leadership Institute. Registration is almost full for this year's institute, which will be held June 27th and 28th at The Heritage in Southbury. More
CAS Offers Regional Evaluation Workshops
As part of the roll-out of the administrative evaluation process, CAS is presenting workshops throughout the summer at regional educational service centers. The workshops, which are particularly directed toward administrators who have evaluative responsibilities for other administrators, will provide participants with a good grounding in the process of administrative evaluation under the state guidelines. More