Dear Legal Mailbag: I appreciate that CAS has posted information concerning discrimination on the basis of gender identity or expression on its website. However, the CT Safe Schools Coalition Gender Identity Guidelines are a bit confusing regarding school’s hiring of transgendered individuals. Continued
Last Chance to Suggest Emergency Response Team Members
CAS is in the process of creating an Emergency Response Team to support schools in the event of a crisis situation that transcends a district's capacity to manage effectively. This team would be deployed in the same manner that the Red Cross, law enforcement and mental health teams are deployed. The team’s sole task would be to provide support and guidance for principals and other building leaders. We are soliciting your assistance in selecting potential members of the CAS Emergency Response Team by identifying active and retired administrators who might serve. Please click on the link below to complete a 3-question survey. This will take no more than 2 minutes of your time. More
Register Now for the Annual Meeting
Exercise your right to vote at the 61st Annual Meeting on May 9th! There are a number of important issues -- affecting both CAS and CIAC members -- which will come before you at the annual meeting. Their resolution is very important to the future of the association, to your school, and to you as its administrator. More
Last Call for April 17th SEED Workshop
Last chance to register for the April 17th workshop on the administrative evaluation model for SEED. This model will be in effect as of July 1, 2013 and will impact every administrator in Connecticut below the rank of superintendent. Come and get introduced to this evaluation/development process. There is no charge to attend but prior registration is required. More
iPad Workshops are Back!
CAS is hosting two iPad workshops in May. Discover how the iPad can impact the busy life of a school administrator and shape the instruction that takes place in the classroom. More
Advisory Survey
The Connecticut Association of Schools is collecting data on how secondary schools (grades 6-12) are using advisory programs. Please take a moment to let CAS know where your school is in relation to Advisory and Student Success Plans by completing a seven question survey. More
CSDE Common Core State Standards Website
The CSDE has recently updated the Common Core State Standards website. New information has been added and old information has been removed to support district implementation efforts. Two new areas of interest on the website are the “K-12 Publishers’ Criteria for Common State Standards in English language arts and mathematics” as well as the “K-12 Tri-State Rubric for Common Core State Standards in English language arts and Mathematics.” More